Thursday, December 6, 2012

Enjoy your writing by being open to inspirations

(I wrote this a while ago, but posted it now. Please excuse the outdated parts. I assure you the message is still relevant.)

After several attempts of troubleshooting and appreciative but unavailing help, I welcome you all to my brain although many may not agree with what goes on in here. It is finally the week of Homecoming along with midterms. I commend the university for that unconventional combination and apparently the dark humor that influenced this decision. Nonetheless, whichever activities you choose as a priority, I promote the existence of writing. Anything can be a source of inspiration for writing if you allow it. I have engaged in that openness in several unorthodox activities. That ultimately helped with my writing samples. For example, I went to a gathering with a couple of my friends. What made it unusual was the fact that I didn’t know most of the people, however, we were talking for what seemed to be hours. The next day, I went into my tutoring session about an hour earlier than usual. I sat down and opened my notebook and wrote a two-page story within that hour. It was a story of children in a playground, but my adult friends were the inspiration behind it. I used their experiences with life and relationships to conjure up a replica of the innocence that they were involved in. In order to manifest the innocence of their nature into a comprehensive story, I morphed my friends into children and totally refabricated the story into an age-appropriate setting for the main characters. I still read the story several times only to laugh at my innuendos and it turned out to be one of my favorites. I encourage you to do the same! Even if you are involved with something that you absolutely love, or if it is something that you completely detest, expound on that. It is those emotions that you feel that will add the respected realism to your story that people love to relate to when reading. It is when you find that heart-felt connection with your writing that you will finally enjoy the sport. Happy writing everyone!

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